Pass a Jobs Bill By Putting Partisan Politics Aside

Date: June 24, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Ms. BERKLEY. Mr. Speaker, it's time to put partisan politics aside and pass a jobs bill that would do the following: extend unemployment benefits to the thousands and thousands of our fellow citizens that find themselves unemployed due to no fault of their own, that would protect the health of our seniors dependent on Medicare by restoring a 21 percent cut in Medicare reimbursement to our doctors, and extend tax credits and benefits essential to the American people.

Surely there are three Republican Senators that are willing to break with their partisan beliefs and stand up with the American people so that those that are unemployed can get their benefits and take care of their families; the doctors can continue to take care of Medicare patients; our seniors will continue to see their doctors; and we can provide the necessary tax credits and benefits that the American people are demanding and asking for.

I ask everybody to think of the American people instead of their own narrow interests. Let's get this thing done.
